Eligibility Requirements
Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
Enrollment in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is based upon the determination of ability and/or access that have historically hindered children from entering kindergarten prepared. The district has developed an application and screening process for evaluating prospective students that is typically administered to families in the spring prior to the start of school.
Students must meet all of the pre-requisite requirements to be eligible for TK and one or more of the qualifying criteria to be served by the program:
Pre-requisite Requirements for TK (must meet all):
→ Turn 4 years-old by August 31 (cannot be 5 years-old on August 31)
→ Reside within the Walla Walla Public School boundary (out of districts students may be able to open enroll on a space-available basis)
→ Not otherwise identified for participation in the Head Start and/or ECEAP preschool programs
Qualifying Criteria for TK (must meet at least one):
→ Lack access (financial, availability or other significant factor) to a licensed pre-school opportunity (opportunity gap)
→ Qualify for free/reduced meals (income gap)
→ Qualify for bilingual education (English language gap)
→ Exhibit lagging social and/or academic skills based on a WWPS administered screening (performance gap)